7 Mama Margarita Guatemala Coffee


Margarita means ‘Party” This ( non-alcoholic) coffee party is a brightly acidic roast like milk dark chocolate flavor and hints of citrus, caramel and honey.

Despite the name there is no alcohol in it.

You’ll have to add your own…to this milk chocolate, light citrus, caramel, brown sugar, and honey tasting coffee.

SKU: 007 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Generally speaking, Mama Margarita-Guatemala coffee is the finest (Strictly Hard Bean) of this very complex origin.  Interestingly enough, This coffee displays a rich acidity; often with floral, fruit, or spice nuance; medium to full body and complex.  However, Guatemala generally has struck by with the traditional botanical varieties of arabica bean.

 Lastly, Margarita means ‘Party” This ( non-alcoholic) coffee party is a brightly acidic roast with milk dark chocolate flavor and hints of citrus, caramel and honey.



  • Varietals:   The farm grows Caturra, Sarchimor, Catimor, and Geisha varieties
  • Altitude:    This farm is located at an altitude of 1640 meters
  • Processing:   These green coffee beans are washed, dried on patios and raised beds
  • Flavor notes:   This coffee has notes of molasses, dark milk chocolate, walnuts, butter, light citrus, caramel, brown sugar, honey and bright acidity
  • Body:  This cup has a smooth body


  • This Guatemala farm is committed to preserving the surrounding natural forest and wildlife
  • The  Santa Margarita farm houses an elementary school, church and health clinic
  • The majority of the  Santa Margarita farm operators are women

Key points about serving:



Considered  to be the best method to showcase the delicate flavor profile of this coffee, medium roast and fine grind


French Press: 

Can bring out the ripe  body and sweetness of the beans, but be careful not to over-extract by steeping too long


Roast level: 

A medium roast is generally preferred to highlight the complex flavors of this coffee


Weight 8 oz

Ground Expresso (powder), Ground French Press (course), Steeping, Ground Drip, Whole Bean


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